Returns a list of simulated data including the encounter history, binary sex indicator, activity centers, and site identifier.
enc_dist = "binomial",
hab_mask = FALSE,
setSeed = 500
Either a matrix or array object representing the coordinates of traps in UTMs. An array is used when traps are clustered over a survey area.
An Extent
object from the raster
package. This is
returned from grid_classic
The UTM coordinate reference system (EPSG code) used for your location provided as an integer (e.g., 32608 for WGS 84/UTM Zone 8N).
Simulated total abundance as an integer.
The scaling parameter of the bivariate normal kernel either in meters or kilometers as an integer.
The portion of females or males as a numeric value. This will depend upon the indicator coding scheme used (e.g., females = 1 and males = 0; then proportion of females in the simulation). Must be a numeric value between 0 and 1. Note that 0 or 1 can be used if a non-sex-specific sigma is desired.
The number of sampling occasions desired as an integer.
The baseline encounter probability or rate as a numeric
value. Note that a probabilty is given for a "binomial"
distribution while a rate is given for a "poisson"
Either "binomial"
or "poisson"
. Default is
Either FALSE
(the default) or a matrix or arrary output from mask_polygon
or mask_raster
The random number generater seed as an integer used in simulations to obtain repeatable data simulations. Default is 500.
A list of a matrix or array of encounter histories.
A vector or matrix of 0's and 1's for sex identification.
A matrix of simulated activity centers.
A vector for the site identifier.
This function supports spatial capture-recapture (SCR) analysis by
allowing for easy simulation of data components used by nimble in Baysian
SCR models. Note that the output for the encounter histories y
will be
sorted by detected and not detected individuals.
The site
identfier is only returned when a 3-dimensional
trap array is provided.
# simulate a single trap array with random positional noise
x <- seq(-800, 800, length.out = 5)
y <- seq(-800, 800, length.out = 5)
traps <- as.matrix(expand.grid(x = x, y = y))
# add some random noise to locations
traps <- traps + runif(prod(dim(traps)),-20,20)
mysigma = 300 # simulate sigma of 300 m
mycrs = 32608 # EPSG for WGS 84 / UTM zone 8N
# Create grid and extent
Grid = grid_classic(X = traps, crs_ = mycrs, buff = 3*mysigma, res = 100)
# simulate SCR data
data3d = sim_classic(X = traps, ext = Grid$ext, crs_ = mycrs, sigma_ = c(300),
prop_sex = 1, N = 200, K = 4, base_encounter = 0.25, enc_dist = "binomial",
hab_mask = FALSE, setSeed = 50)
# make simple plot
plot(Grid$grid, pch=20,ylab="Northing",xlab="Easting")
points(traps, col="blue",pch=20)
points(data3d$s,col="red",pch = 20)
points(data3d$s[which(apply(data3d$y,1,sum)!=0),],col="green",pch = 20)