Creates a matrix or array to use as a habitat mask to account for unsuitable habitat.
mask_raster(rast, FUN, grid, crs_, prev_mask)
A raster layer created using the raster
package of class
A function that defines the criteria for suitable habitat.
A matrix or array object of the the state-space grid. This is
returned from grid_classic
The UTM coordinate reference system (EPSG code) used for your location provided as an integer (e.g., 32608 for WGS 84/UTM Zone 8N).
Either NULL
or a previously created habitat mask
matrix or array from mask_polygon
or mask_raster
This allows for habitat masks to be combined to account for different spatial
A matrix or array of 0's and 1's denoting unsuitable and suitable habitat respectively.
This function creates a habitat matrix or array depending upon
whether a 2D (former) or 3D (latter) trap array is used. This matrix can be
directly included as data in Bayesian SCR models run using nimble
# simulate a single trap array with random positional noise
x <- seq(-800, 800, length.out = 5)
y <- seq(-800, 800, length.out = 5)
traps <- as.matrix(expand.grid(x = x, y = y))
# add some random noise to locations
traps <- traps + runif(prod(dim(traps)),-20,20)
mysigma = 300 # simulate sigma of 300 m
mycrs = 32608 # EPSG for WGS 84 / UTM zone 8N
# create state-space grid and extent
Grid = grid_classic(X = traps, crs_ = mycrs, buff = 3*mysigma, res = 100)
# run previous code used for mask_polygon() to create raster for example
poly = st_sfc(st_polygon(x=list(matrix(c(-1665,-1665,1730,-1650,1600,1650,
0,1350,-800,1700,-1850,1000,-1665,-1665),ncol=2, byrow=TRUE))), crs = mycrs)
hab_mask = mask_polygon(poly = poly, grid = Grid$grid, crs_ = mycrs,
prev_mask = NULL)
# create raster for demonstration purposes
rast <- raster(nrow=dim(hab_mask)[1], ncol=dim(hab_mask)[2],ext=Grid$ext,
rast[] = apply(hab_mask,2,rev)
# create habitat mask using raster
hab_mask_r = mask_raster(rast = rast, FUN = function(x){x==1},
grid = Grid$grid, crs_ = mycrs, prev_mask = NULL)
#> Error in mask_raster(rast = rast, FUN = function(x) { x == 1}, grid = Grid$grid, crs_ = mycrs, prev_mask = NULL): crs of raster layer must be the same as crs_
# make simple plot
# returns identical results as input rast (but this was just an example raster)
#> Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)): error in evaluating the argument 'x' in selecting a method for function 'plot': error in evaluating the argument 'x' in selecting a method for function 'raster': object 'hab_mask_r' not found
# create an array of traps, as an approach where individuals will only be
# detected at one of the trap arrays (e.g., Furnas et al. 2018)
Xarray = array(NA, dim=c(nrow(traps),2,2))
Xarray[,,2]=traps+4000 # shift trapping grid to new locations
# create grid and extent for 3D trap array
GridX = grid_classic(X = Xarray, crs_ = mycrs, buff = 3*mysigma, res = 100)
# make simple plot
# create polygon to use as a mask and covert to raster
poly = st_sfc(st_polygon(x=list(matrix(c(-1660,-1900,5730,-1050,5470,5650,
0,6050,-1800,5700,-1660,-1900),ncol=2, byrow=TRUE))), crs = mycrs)
# add polygon to plot
plot(poly, add=TRUE)
# make raster from polygon
rast = raster(xmn=-2000, xmx=6000, ymn=-2000, ymx=6500,res=100,crs=mycrs)
crs = mycrs),"POINT"),poly,sparse=FALSE)
# make simple plot of raster
# get 3D habitat mask array for 3D grid
hab_mask = mask_raster(rast = rast, FUN = function(x){x==1},grid = GridX$grid,
crs_ = mycrs, prev_mask = NULL)
#> Error in mask_raster(rast = rast, FUN = function(x) { x == 1}, grid = GridX$grid, crs_ = mycrs, prev_mask = NULL): crs of raster layer must be the same as crs_
apply(hab_mask,3,function(x) plot(raster(apply(x,2,rev))))
#> Error in apply(hab_mask, 3, function(x) plot(raster(apply(x, 2, rev)))): 'MARGIN' does not match dim(X)