Creates model code using the nimbleCode
type = "marked",
dim_y = NULL,
occ_specific = FALSE,
enc_dist = "binomial",
sex_sigma = FALSE,
trapsClustered = FALSE
Specifies the type of discrete model for either "marked"
(the default) or "unmarked"
data sources.
Either NULL
(the default) or an integer of either 2 or 3
that define the dimensional format the encounter history data are in. Note
that this input is not used when type = "unmarked"
Logical. If FALSE
, the encounter rate will
not include an occasion-specific loop in the detection function; otherwise,
the model will include a for loop for occasions (K) in the detection function.
Default is FALSE
. Only applied when type = "unmarked"
Either "binomial"
or "poisson"
. Default is
A logical value indicating whether the scaling parameter ('sigma') is sex-specific
A logical value indicating if traps are clustered in arrays across the sampling area.
A nimbleCode
object from the nimble
This function provides templates that could be copied and easily modified to include further model complexity such as covariates explaining detection probability. These discrete models include different encounter probability distributions and sex-specific scaling parameters for marked and unmarked data sets.
# get discrete model for 2D marked encounter data, binomial encounter
# distribution, non-sex-specific scaling parameter, and no clustering of traps
discrete_model_m = get_discrete(type="marked", dim_y = 2,enc_dist = "binomial",
sex_sigma = FALSE, trapsClustered = FALSE)
# inspect model
#> {
#> for (j in 1:nPix) {
#> probs[j] <- mu[j]/EN
#> mu[j] <- exp(alpha0) * pixArea
#> }
#> alpha0 ~ dunif(-20, 20)
#> EN <- sum(mu[1:nPix])
#> psi <- EN/M
#> p0 ~ dunif(0, 1)
#> sigma ~ dunif(0, sigma_upper)
#> for (i in 1:M) {
#> z[i] ~ dbern(psi)
#> s[i] ~ dcat(probs[1:nPix])
#> x0g[i] <- grid[s[i], 1]
#> y0g[i] <- grid[s[i], 2]
#> dist[i, 1:J] <- sqrt((x0g[i] - X[1:J, 1])^2 + (y0g[i] -
#> X[1:J, 2])^2)
#> p[i, 1:J] <- p0 * exp(-dist[i, 1:J]^2/(2 * sigma^2))
#> }
#> for (i in 1:n0) {
#> for (j in 1:J) {
#> y[i, j] ~ dbin(p[i, j], K)
#> }
#> }
#> for (i in (n0 + 1):M) {
#> zeros[i] ~ dbern((1 - prod(1 - p[i, 1:J])^K) * z[i])
#> }
#> N <- sum(z[1:M])
#> D <- N/A
#> }
# get discrete model for unmarked encounter data, binomial encounter
# distribution, non-sex-specific scaling parameter, and no clustering of traps
discrete_model_u = get_discrete(type="unmarked",occ_specific = FALSE,
enc_dist = "binomial",sex_sigma = FALSE, trapsClustered = FALSE)
# inspect model
#> {
#> for (j in 1:nPix) {
#> probs[j] <- mu[j]/EN
#> mu[j] <- exp(alpha0) * pixArea
#> }
#> alpha0 ~ dunif(-20, 20)
#> EN <- sum(mu[1:nPix])
#> psiu <- EN/m
#> lam0 ~ dunif(0, lam0_upper)
#> sigma ~ dunif(0, sigma_upper)
#> for (i in 1:m) {
#> zu[i] ~ dbern(psiu)
#> su[i] ~ dcat(probs[1:nPix])
#> x0gu[i] <- grid[su[i], 1]
#> y0gu[i] <- grid[su[i], 2]
#> distu[i, 1:J] <- sqrt((x0gu[i] - X[1:J, 1])^2 + (y0gu[i] -
#> X[1:J, 2])^2)
#> lamu[i, 1:J] <- lam0 * exp(-distu[i, 1:J]^2/(2 * sigma^2)) *
#> zu[i]
#> }
#> for (j in 1:J) {
#> bigLambda[j] <- sum(lamu[1:m, j])
#> for (k in 1:K) {
#> n[j, k] ~ dpois(bigLambda[j])
#> }
#> }
#> N <- sum(zu[1:m])
#> D <- N/A
#> }