Allows for efficient editing of model code produced by nimbleCode()
append_code = NULL,
append_line = NULL,
remove_line = NULL,
write = FALSE
The nimbleCode()
used to define model in nimble
possibly generated from get_classic
Either NULL
or model code produced from
or get_classic
function. Note that if
remove_line = NULL
, then code will be appended just after existing model
code; otherwise specify the lines to insert new code into by setting
Either NULL
or an integer value as a scalar or vector
defining which positions to insert new lines of code in the model. Note that if multiple
lines of new code are to be inserted on the same line, then just use rep(44,3)
example if the new code had 3 lines to insert (not counting "{"
and "}"
). The lines
to append to should be based on the original model given to model
Either NULL
or an integer value as a scalar or vector
defining which lines of code to remove from the original model. Set to NULL
when only
appending to and not replacing code in previous model file (i.e., model
Logical. If TRUE
, then a text file is written to the
working directory called "new_model.txt". Otherwise, model is written to temp
file and then deleted. Default is FALSE
A model description that can be run using run_classic
# get model
scr_model = get_classic(dim_y = 2, enc_dist = "binomial",sex_sigma = TRUE,
hab_mask=TRUE,trapsClustered = TRUE)
# create new nimbleCode to use for replacement in 'scr_model'
p0_prior = nimble::nimbleCode({
p0[g] ~ dbeta(1,1)
# replace line 3 of old model code with 'p0_prior'
new_model = customize_model(model = scr_model, append_code = p0_prior,
append_line = 3, remove_line = 3)
# inspect new model code
#> {
#> for (g in 1:nSites) {
#> p0[g] ~ dbeta(1, 1)
#> }
#> psi_sex ~ dunif(0, 1)
#> sigma[1] ~ dunif(0, sigma_upper)
#> sigma[2] ~ dunif(0, sigma_upper)
#> sigma.pixel[1] <- sigma[1]/pixelWidth
#> sigma.pixel[2] <- sigma[2]/pixelWidth
#> psi ~ dunif(0, 1)
#> for (i in 1:M) {
#> sex[i] ~ dbern(psi_sex)
#> sx[i] <- sex[i] + 1
#> z[i] ~ dbern(psim[i])
#> psim[i] <- (1 - (1 - psi)^prop.habitat[site[i]])
#> s[i, 1] ~ dunif(x_lower[site[i]], x_upper[site[i]])
#> s[i, 2] ~ dunif(y_lower[site[i]], y_upper[site[i]])
#> pOK[i] <- hab_mask[(trunc(s[i, 2]) + 1), (trunc(s[i,
#> 1]) + 1), site[i]]
#> OK[i] ~ dbern(pOK[i])
#> dist[i, 1:J] <- sqrt((s[i, 1] - X[1:J, 1, site[i]])^2 +
#> (s[i, 2] - X[1:J, 2, site[i]])^2)
#> p[i, 1:J] <- p0[site[i]] * exp(-dist[i, 1:J]^2/(2 * sigma.pixel[sx[i]]^2))
#> }
#> for (i in 1:n0) {
#> for (j in 1:J) {
#> y[i, j] ~ dbin(p[i, j], K)
#> }
#> }
#> for (i in (n0 + 1):M) {
#> zeros[i] ~ dbern((1 - prod(1 - p[i, 1:J])^K) * z[i])
#> }
#> N <- sum(z[1:M])
#> D <- N/A
#> }